Minty Fresh Salt Gargle: Relax Your Throat & Feel Fresh

 In Data-driven, Idea

Overview & Introduction

You wake up one day and feel a lump in your throat. Then comes the coughing. Before you know it, swallowing becomes an ordeal.

We have all been there, and nobody likes it. For generations it would appear that one of the most immediate and effective remedies of a sore throat is gargling. Well, gargling salt.

I’m sure we have all tried it at some point in our lives. It sure does work, even the doctors say so. Preparation is minimal, access is not restricted, and if you really feel the need you can even buy it online.

The Problem

The estimated number of Mouthwash users in the US is expected to rise to 211 million by 2021.

However, gargling salt water is not a particularly enjoyable experience.

This is today’s problem, exploring the possibility of gaining the benefits of gargling salt water, without the unenjoyable experience part.

There are some options on the market already, however they do not seem to appeal to the positives of gargling salt water. Instead, they have been created from the bottom up, often with a medicine-like taste.

Some may say that Gargling is done more for its benefits rather than its aftertaste. But the fear of the aftertaste can keep some people away from using this remedy.

Visualising the Data

0 mil.
UK Mouthwash Industry, 2016
0 mil.
US Mouthwash Users, 2017
0 mil.
In the UK alone it is thought that nearly 5 million children will be in primary education
0 bil.
VR Industry is projected to be $40 B by 2020

Just to put things in perspective about the Mouthwash and Oral care industry. The Market size of Mouthwash in the UK in 2016 was a cool GBP 190 million. Across the Atlantic, the numbers are also encouraging. It is estimated that 62% of American use mouthwash. The market size has grown 15% from 2012-2017. The estimated number of Mouthwash users in the US was 202.92 million in 2017. This number is expected to rise to 211.01 million by 2021. So the current & potential market size is indeed large.


The idea is a solution that would have all the benefits of the Salt Water Gargle. But will provide you with a minty fresh aftertaste. The goal is to improve the experience of gargling salt water, without compromising on its medicinal benefits.

There is already one innovation in the segment of Gargling. GoGargle enables you to gargle with a ‘power-packed’ mixture, as opposed to plain salt. It does so by providing a tablet which dissolves in water, and can then be used to Gargle. But still, nothing about an improved user experience – so there’s a gap in the market!


  • Large Market Size
  • Will always be in demand (as people will keep having sore throats)
  • Requires significant R & D
  • Have to face competition from established players in the Mouthwash segment
  • No major innovations in this segment yet
  • New innovations by existing players
  • Potentially high Manufacturing cost leading to a high selling price
  • Not being accepted by Medical fraternity
  • Existing patents


Today’s idea is about adding value to an age old remedy for a very common ailment. It is about improving the overall experience. The Idea does have its fair share of challenges, perhaps more so than many of the other ideas – it is both technical, and within a lucrative market!

What do you think of this idea? I would love to hear your thoughts! In case you have an idea you would like researched, I can help you out. You can ask for a bespoke research on this or any other idea you may have in mind. If you just want someone to bounce your thoughts off, that can be arranged too!

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